Such a powerful ritual! The whirl pool brought me to the ancestors of the land and they gave me a feather and a flute and told me to usher in new beginnings of relationship to the local waterways! And I just found out the Indigenous names for the local waterways! My heart is full to bursting just from saying the names out loud!!! Dear Amanda, thank you for everything you do for us all!!!!

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I just did the ritual from the recording. I'm wondering if there was a prompt to pull cards that didn't make it into the recording? I felt like something was missing at the end, and the last point of the "Homework: Working with the Samhain Moon" gave me impression that there might have been a divination piece missing? If that's the case, I trust that it will arrive in right timing. <3

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You are very intuitive, Lorena! There was some tarot I didn’t get to. I’ll send it out on Monday! Just in time for Samhain! ❤️❤️❤️

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I was wondering how we were going to use the pomegranate? My sweet husband went searching through many stores to get me one in time for the ritual, and then we never used it 😅 I’d love to learn more about it use and do the ritual on my own 💕

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Hi Megan! Thanks for the reminder! I’ll send the pomegranate ritual out on Monday, just in time for Samhain! Something I get a little over ambitious in all the things I want to do in 1.5 hours. Luckily there are always more moons! In any case you’ll get a pomegranate ritual on Monday! Xo

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Awesome!! Thank you so much 💕💕

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From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free, as I will it so mote it be!

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As a person of Palestinian descent, I request, um, can we leave room in there, between the river and the sea, for the 6 million Israelis? Humbly I ask. It's kinda hard to ask a frightened opponent for a cease fire--the children of Palestine need a cease fire 😭

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So amazing to be with everyone last night! Does anyone remember the poet who asked: do you consent to seeing oneself as more than just an individual??? I am paraphrasing. It was so powerful.

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To my ancestors I offer:

the truth of our story

From my ancestors I ask:

the words to tell the story


I believe

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