I’m constantly falling in love, it’s the definition of being alive. I fall in love with the landscape with a dog, with my colleagues with random strangers. But to make deep connections takes commitment so sometimes my loves are shuffled, like a deck of cards. I can only be deeply in love with a select few at a time 😉

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I hear that. I've felt the same. Which is why I never really went too deeply into polyamory. Yet, I feel like Venus in Pisces is an invitation to expand our CAPACITY for love. What if there was no limit to how much love we could experience at one time? I'm interested to see what She reveals.

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So exciting! This is so wonderful & generous of you! ::spent too much time in academia:: When is it due?😊

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Great question! Let's say this Sunday evening. The 29th.

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I love this so much. Thank you! ♥️✨

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Yay! Thanks for tuning in NiTasha!

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Feb 5? Vs Jan 5 I think you mean 🐇✨

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Yes! Good catch. OMG. I meant February 5th!!

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Also, thank you for mentioning the love relationship with friends and the land - we need more of this... I saw a quote, that instead of looking for love, someone instead found to be love... that also struck a chord in me

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Oooh-- a lot to think about... (incl. upgrading my membership for a spell, ha!)

Pisces is my sun sign and I think I judge myself for having a shallow (or otherwise "wrong") ability to love. While I appreciate and respect many many people and things, I don't feel that, I dunno, pull of the soul that I feel like capital L love should be.

But that's really just modern society saying that there's a very specific right way to feel and live... but that doesn't mean that I don't want to open myself up to feeling "more" (of whatever that looks like)

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At my Coven gathering last weekend, we were discussing our 'relationship constellations' by verbally mapping the important relationships in our lives. (Relationship constellations being a term/practice which is often used by Polyamorous folks to introduce existing relationship to a potential new partner or even just used to facilitate conversations on a date). It was so amazing to hear all the love that surrounds our lives - I would recommend trying this practice with a group of friends! Since I have been in love with my one partner for many years I was worried my 'Relationship Constellation' would be small but it wasn't! I even realized the most important loving relationship is my with cats, haha! They love me in a both a child-like and non-human way, validate their love non-verbally, and are unconditional. Truly, these kitties are the loves of my life and make me a better person.

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I have never done this and will do this exercise. Thanks for sharing, Kate (my cat will definitely be in my constellation). 😻

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I’m finally able to catch up this morning! Thank you for sharing these sentiments. Last night, I was journaling about anger because it is so often an emotion that we’re discouraged to feel. I bring this up because I was telling my partner how there are a few people in my life where I can feel both anger and love simultaneously. They are one of those individuals, my mom is another and a couple of best friends. A loving and compassionate relationship, of any kind (platonic, romantic, romantic-leaning/adjacent, collaborative) allows for the multiplicity, the fractures, the fragments, and complexities that come with that person.

I believe the ability and permission that someone gives themselves (currently reading Permission to Come Home by Jenny Wang, Ph.D. focused on AAPI mental health) is crucial. Because the *ideal* of romantic love is often depicted as white, hetero, and able-bodied (still). Expressions of love look(ed) very different in my family and I’ve seen family members try to recapitulate those same, very western *ideals* and dynamics in their own relationships (including my past self enacting the same patterns).

One of the reasons why I seek intentional ways of connecting is because I am constantly on the search for new ways of loving. Admittedly, I am a Libra (Sun), but I have many Scorpio placements (my Venus is in Scorpio). So, I have grappled with what it means to love expansively. In any case, thank you, Amanda, for sharing your sentiments, all which deeply resonated. ♥️

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Also, I believe I’m a founding member/subscriber (and totally spaced on the the blessing! Next time. Many thanks again for offering. ♥️✨🕯️✨♥️

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@ramalauw did a funny reel concerning open love... I recommend it for an insightful laugh... I’m reading some Bell Hook and Erich Fromm’s book, “The Art of Loving”... it’s a good read

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