Your timing, as always, is perfect. I’ve been feeling so much collective grief and fear and panic that is all so overwhelming, I can’t tune it out. And you’re right. We do always want to find the quick solution so we can just move on and put whatever problem it was behind us. I look forward to joining your vigil today. I think we all need community now more than ever 💕

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Thank you Amanda. Sending love to those who need it (including myself)...this has been a tough night, so your vigil is timely. 💞

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yes! thanks Amanda! for any other overwhelmed persons, here’s a super easy way to call your reps! It does most of the work for ya and gives you a script! https://act.uscpr.org/a/callforgaza#!

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Thank you so much for sharing this link! I was wondering how to find it again

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May it be so! Thank you, Amanda. As always I so appreciated your grounded, spiritual, open-hearted wisdom. It has been a tough week. I will share the ritual far and wide!

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Thank you, Amanda! This is exactly what I've been feeling.

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Thanks Amanda, I needed that. Very much looking forward to the ritual <3 <3 <3

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On my hike this morning I listened to this really cool podcast about Orphism, a Greco-Roman mystery religion. It's interesting because throughout history people seem to find the ways to counter dominant patriarchal culture. Here's the link to the podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/si/podcast/the-magick-of-orpheus-with-ronnie-pontiac/id1060199031?i=1000628223492

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Hi Amanda, any chance we can get the list of whats needed for Wednesdays ceremony? I feel like Im always scrambling at the last minute.

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Thank you Amanda, it was so healing. Do you have a link to watch the replay? I’d love to bookmark it and watch it. You spoke truth to power with grace and bravery. You showed us how to rise up with loving action. May we learn something from this and may we all respond with love.

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