Reflections on the New Moon in Sagittarius, plus a New Moon Ritual (scroll down), and a poll on our next reading group text.
Dear Readers,
It’s the New Moon in Sagittarius. Dark Roving Moon. Holy Philosopher Moon. Arrow of Optimism Moon.
What can we learn from our moon teacher, from the kairos of this time?
Did you know that the Council of All Beings, otherwise known as Spirit, teaches you how to rise to your true potential by whatever is present in your life? Everything you need to learn about how to be human is right here for you. Whatever questions you have about life right now, the answer is growing all around us.
As I was finishing my final paper for my Theories of Culture class late last night, I was deep in the work of Jonathan Crary, writing about how to revive the world post-capitalism.
There was this part where he was talking about how capitalism makes everything in life precarious. “Everything necessary for a minimal sense of stability, whether jobs, homes, communities or health care is, by design, always on the edge of being discarded, downsized, foreclosed, demolished,” he says.
I stopped and thought about it and realized it was true. Everything is constantly under threat in this system. EVERYTHING.
There have been so many atrocities since I was born, I don’t know why the current horror in Palestine should be different but for some reason it’s touching me on a cellular level. Waking me up to the need for real action. Real change, within and around me. Right now.
Everyone from Marx to the indigenous Cocama shaman I saw in a video meme yesterday says the same thing: for capitalism to end, it requires a shift in consciousness.
You may think this is weird but, on some level my body didn’t really know that the big daddies in the White House aren’t coming to save us. Like, about the environment. Somehow I thought that if they only knew, if the scientists could just prove to them that our system was destroying life on earth they would change.
But the truth is, they know perfectly well and THEY’RE DOING IT ANYWAY.
Palestine has taught me that. It’s not that they (the Necrostate) don’t know what they’re doing; the genocide is not an accident. They know what havoc they’re wrecking and the suffering it causes and THEY DO IT ANYWAY. The cruelty is the point, as they say.
Well, I’m done and I don’t want to participate any more AT ALL. I’m ready for my consciousness to CHANGE.
Something beautiful is that the changes we’re looking for are already here. They’ve been here this whole time, growing all around us. I don’t know why I have to keep learning this over and over again, but here we are.
Crary talks about how capitalism destroys the customs and behaviors that interlace humans with animals, insects, plants, forests, and rivers. He talks about how:
A lifeworld whose social rhythms were originally shaped by the alteration of the seasons, phases of the moon, migration of birds, the oscillation of day and night, of sleep and waking, [as a] sequence of festivals, [left] its trace on daily life… but by the end of the 19th century only fragments of that lifeworld survived.
Only fragments of those life-giving festivals survived, but the moon, my friends, is still here. Is still whole. And from the little glimmer of light visible on this New Moon we can offer our breath, blowing gently until the fire of enchantment rears up again and lights the world.
I give you some ideas for how to celebrate this New Moon and honor the cycle of the life worlds below.
Love, Amanda
New Moon in Sagittarius - Rituals for the Revival of the LifeWorld
In the follow along ritual video below, you will:
Connect with your magic for half an hour
Practice tarot divination
Set intentions
Practice shifting your consciousness
Reflect on how you’d like these shifts to ripple out into the world around you
I like to give you these rituals, because I like to give the kind of gifts that I would like myself. Doing rituals on the New Moon is so much easier if you have someone to plan it out for you — then you can just come in and do it.
You will need:
a candle and matches
a tarot deck
a journal
a pen or pencil
your favorite essential oil (optional)
half an hour of free time