Greetings, witches! Happy New Moon.
New Moons are the beginnings of a new cycle, but this New Moon feels more like a Full Moon to me.
I can feel the energy gathering, still high from Solstice, and the culmination of the season, and parties and family, and buzz buzz buzz.
But while the energy around us feels all a-swirl, I like to know this New Moon is here… cold, quiet, the Crone in the blue snow drifts. The Owl on the branch, silent and watching.
Beneath the swirl of tinsel, I feel a sense of resolve.
Rather than writing resolutions, I want to write commitments…
What do I want to devote myself to in the coming year? What do I want to practice daily? I want to treat my commitments in the coming year like wedding vows. I want my commitments to bring me into deeper intimacy with life.
Capricorn season is all about HOW we do “the thing”, whatever it is that we care about.
It’s one thing to say we care about family, about our art, about our craft, about being present for the beauty of life, but it’s another thing to PRACTICE it. And if we fall off the broom, Capricorn says, “Get up and keep on riding.”
Take care of yourselves this holiday season. Remember, your witches are with you. Whether you’re alone, with friends, with family, feeling loved or feeling lost, you belong here. With us.
And the Snow Owl New Moon watches from her perch. We may not see her tonight, except for the gleaming edge of her eye, but we know she’s there, and we know she stands with the witches.
Sending so much love your way,
Use the questions listed about as journal prompts. After reflecting, streamline and write out your commitments. Create an altar that embodies your commitments and write out your commitments as well and place them on your altar. Give an offering to the Crone — the wise part of yourself. What does the Crone need to be able to honor your commitments? Time? Care? Inspiration? Give her an offering that gives form to what you need. So for if you need focus time, place the four of pentacles, or a crystal for example. Then, decide on a simple structure you can create to honor your commitment every day over the next moon period. For instance, “over the next moon cycle I will write for 1 hour 3 x per week.” Make it achievable and actionable.
Below you’ll find the New Moon download to support you for this moon cycle. In it you’ll find:
The Mythology of Capricorn season
Capricorn Season Inspiration
Another New Moon ritual, to help you embody your commitments throughout the month (I’ll be sending out a follow up video on this one to help support you)
Capricorn Correspondences
Astrological Support
Grounding Practices
Journal Prompts
Capricorn Season Tarot Spread
Integration for Community/Relationships
Creative Prompts
Earth Centered Practices for the Season
I’m really proud of this one, not only is it beautiful, but I’m excited to follow the prompts myself. Can’t wait to hear what you think of it!
P.S. We have discount rates for those experiencing financial hardship. If you’d like to participate, but genuinely can’t afford it, shoot me an email and we’ll figure something out. Everyone’s presence is important here.