Gemini Full Moon Ritual Replay
Poems, songs, ritual suggestions, references and replay link inside.
Dear Initiate,
Here is a brooding Sappho, a cross between my Shadow and my Muse. I didn’t have time to get to the Shadow Muse tonight, but based on the depth of the work we did, I bet you’re probably all starting to see the rocky path to her temple appearing before you through the brambles.
Tonight, we talked about the Shadow, we read her/them poems, we gave them offerings, we danced with them and awakened them and found a way to love their howling mugs.
I can’t wait to hear how all this work evolves for all of you! Please feel free to leave me questions, comments and requests in the comment section below. It was such an inspiration to be with all of you tonight, and I’m so excited to see how our practice together grows!
Below you’ll find the references I used in our ritual, the songs, poems, etc. And some suggestions for how to go deeper into the work over this waning moon period.
From my Fanged Mud-Matted Shadow to Yours,
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