Full Moon in Taurus Ritual - Tonight, Everyone's Invited
Tonight, 6pm PST, A Ritual For Ancestral Support and Healing
Dear Witches,
It’s 12:30am, and I’m feeling a bit tired and fragile. It’s been a heart-wrenching time, a gut punch, an explosion. I’m so looking forward to our ritual tonight. A time for us to gather, to be together, to regenerate, and focus on the good we want to call into the world. I keep thinking about how mediated our experience is. Powerful factions muster all their resources to force people to submit, to believe as they tell them, to forget our humanity and the humanity of others.
Witchcraft is important to me because it is a way back into my heart, when all the dominators want to pull me out of it and make me afraid.
Given the current events, I keep thinking about all the wars our ancestors faced or were implicated in. Wars that took their lovers, their friends, their children. And the children that our ancestors may have taken themselves. There are no easy answers to make us feel better about this. Samhain is a liminal holiday, an inbetween time, a blurred threshold where both our teachers and our ghosts will visit us.
Work like this is best done in community, where we can weave a cradle of song around ourselves in protection. Why do we do it? I think of our rituals like a stake we plunge into the ground during a storm. While the winds of grief and rage and uncertainty whip around us, we hold tight to our rituals and to each other. We loop the rope of compassion around our waists and bind ourselves to each other so we don’t fly off in the hurricane.
Tonight we will find ways to provide rest for the unquiet spirits within ourselves and our lineages. We will bathe ourselves in the soft, edgeless light of the full moon. The ancestors who have at last made their way back into the land will emerge to share their teachings with us.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
All the information you need is below.
With love,
P.S. Just in case you’re wondering or worried, here’s my position on the troubles in the Near East so you can decide if tonight’s ritual is right for you…
We are watching a genocide. It doesn’t matter to me who started it. My heart aches for the Israeli’s grieving their loved ones, I cry with them. And I cry with the Palestinians, who are dying by the thousands, with over a million people displaced, brutalized and starving. The violence needs to end NOW. What we are witnessing will make no one safer. I stand against anti-semitism, I want my Jewish friends throughout the world to be safe, I know many are triggered and grieving now. I also want Palestinians to be safe and happy. I want Palestinians and Israelis to thrive. I want the occupation, and all settler colonialism, to end. I don’t want to debate anyone about this, I certainly won’t be doing that tonight at the ritual. I’m against the state. All states. States exist as systems of oppression enforced through violence. States exist in order to consolidate power for the wealthy. Healing the world will not come through a “two state solution” - it will come through a no-state solution. As such, my focus is on creating networks of care, and trying to unlearn the violent, capitalist brainwashing I’ve been subjected to since birth. For me, witchcraft is a part of this. If you feel okay with all that, then please do join us tonight. For everyone’s safety and comfort, anyone who behaves in a way not conducive to creating a space of reverence will be gently removed from the meeting. We aren’t going to be trying to convince anyone of our point of view tonight, instead, we’ll be listening to the wisdom of Spirit and the Ancestors.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus – Live Ritual
When: Oct 25, 2023 06:00 PM Pacific Time
Where: JOIN ZOOM MEETING … Password: 404491
Who: All are welcome! As long as you’re being respectful, this ceremony is for regeneration, not debate.
This month’s ceremony is in honor of the Full Moon in Taurus, and Samhain – the witches’ ancestral holiday. We will be working to heal ancestral wounds, honor those who have passed, and bring peace to unquiet spirits of our lineage.
This ceremony is open to the public. PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS so we can increase donations to the PCRF.
Suggested donation of $25, pay what you can — 100% of proceeds will go to Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF). No one turned away for lack of funds.
If you’d like to donate you can do so at:
Paypal: amandayatesgarcia@gmail.com
Venmo: @Amanda-YatesGarcia
Zelle: amandayatesgarcia@gmail.com
(Note: Subscribers don’t need to pay to attend, of course, but if you want to contribute to the PCRF please feel free to donate!)
What to Bring:
A journal and pen
An offering for the spirits (for instance: spring water, wine, honey, milk, meat, incense, candles, cakes, sweets, gourds)
An offering for the ancestors (foods, herbs, or offerings, traditional to your ancestors, however you interpret them. Could be you cultural ancestors, your genetic ancestors, your intellectual ancestors, your spiritual ancestors, your animal-vegetable-mineral ancestors, etc.)
A pomegranate
If you have pictures or other items related to the ancestors you’d like to work with, bring them. If you can’t think of anything, use your intuition and trust what comes.
How to Prepare:
Prepare a comfortable place to relax like a sofa or a comfy chair
Arrange your altar with your offerings for the spirits and ancestors, include a candle, a cup of water, salt and/or a stone, incense and/or a feather
Take a few moments to ground and center
Create an enchanted atmosphere with incense, quiet, and candle light
Join us via Zoom at 6pm PST Password: 404491
Once again, to get to the ritual go to Zoom, enter the password, and there you go!
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83782984640?pwd=MFNCdXJ2SXJNeGhkQzBJMXRsUlZHZz09
Password: 404491