“Care is about meeting needs, and it is always relational: the skinned knee of a child who fell off his bike isn't only about scrapes and germs, it is also about creating the conditions for him to feel safe in the world. The most important resource for caring is time.”
– Joan Tronto
Cancer begins on the Summer Solstice, the Gate of Life.
adrienne maree brown reminds us that we are each born into another person’s hands: we are born into care.
Life is hardy. It tends to find ways to hang on. Even when food is scarce, or pain is everywhere. Life struggles onward, like a beached fish gasping towards the ocean.
But Cancer season reminds us what thriving can happen when we take the time to nurture life, to care for it.
This month, our project will be to nudge ourselves a bit closer to making caring for life, each other, and ourselves, our priority.
The irony is, of course, that like that fish, your life is gasping for nourishment – caring for life is not a chore, it’s an honor and a delight. We just forget that because so many things (put in our lives by other people, like the CEOs of banks or whatever) get in the way of that caring.
In this month’s Witch Guide, I give you rituals to help you find out what our thriving could happen in your own life if you create more space for care, deliberately, methodically, joyfully.
Inside the Cancer Season Witch Guide you get:
Journal Prompts
A tarot spread
A self care ritual
A community care recipe
An ecological devotion ritual
Suggestions for your Book of Shadows
and more!
Love and Bright Blessings,
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