Inside: Aquarius Season begins just as Pluto conjuncts the Sun and you-know-who gets you-know-what (I don’t feel like saying his name or acknowledging his spurious, illegitimate authority). Things are getting weird y’all, and we need to talk about it. Also, I’ve attached a guide to help get you through it!
Have you been having conversations with friends about how weird things have gotten? I feel like I’ve been having these conversations a lot. The vibes are strange. It feels like what we had come to rely on as “reality” is shattering to pieces. In fact, this breakdown of reality is more than a vibe or a feeling. What we experience as reality is a collectively created consensus on what is “true”; our communities are fragmented, and thus so is our reality.
Is climate change real? Do vaccines cause harm? Is capitalism evil? Do individuals and “nature” exist?
Our communities are fragmented because within our families we don’t hold the same views; within our neighborhoods, workplaces, and cities we don’t share the same views. Meanwhile, when we enter cyberspace, we careen through a funhouse of rapidly shifting, largely amorphous views, at warp speed. It makes sense that many of us are feeling disoriented.
I suppose this is how it feels to be entering the age of Aquarius. The Age of Global Weirding.
In Norse magic the wyrd is the web of fate, conceived of as a fabric, a warp and weft of interlocking threads, which becomes loose and unravels in times of collective chaos. The bad news is that, well, things feel chaotic and uncertain and stressful and humans don’t like that. The good news is that when the web of the wyrd becomes loose, new futures become possible, transformation becomes inevitable.
The questions for us now are: what do we want to transform? And, how can we stay centered amidst the high winds of global weirdness to help midwife it into being?
Saturn is the Guardian of Aquarius. Saturn, the stern and learned Keeper of the Boundaries, beyond which is the infinite void. This month, in our Witch Guide (below), we will ask our Saturnian Guardian to teach us to use the tools we need to navigate these weird waters, both in our lives as individuals and in support of our larger community.
Keywords for this month are:
Listening, grounding, and letting go - more about this month’s keywords and how to use them in this month’s Witch Guide, below.
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Aquarius Season Witch Guide
Inside this month’s Aquarius Season Witch Guide you get:
A downloadable PDF with tools to help you listen to your heart, let go of whatever you’re exhausting yourself fighting, and ground in the time of global weirdness
Journal prompts for Aquarius Season
Aquarius Season tarot spread
A spell for trust and letting go
Suggestions for somatic practices for grounding
Suggestions for your Book of Shadows (including prompts for Card of the Year and Hermit Year)
Correspondences to use on your altar, in your bath, in your daily life
Creative and ecological prompts
A link to an excellent text on astrology
Transfer texts for your Book of Shadows
and more, all in the subscribers section below!